RHEL 6.4 - user crontabs - pam error

RHEL 6.4 - user crontabs - pam error

Recently after updating some customer systems from RHEL 6.3 to RHEL 6.4 user crontabs stopped working.

Checking crontabs with the user gave the following warning:

crontab -l
Permission denied
You (test) are not allowed to access to (crontab) because of pam configuration.

This is because /etc/pam.d/crond is configured with the access module pam_access.so and seperate /etc/security/access.conf entries for cron is needed:

# Server access control
# After installation, the last line - : ALL : ALL must be uncommented,
# which will deny access to root.
# *** Allow access for relevant users
+ : otheruser : ALL
# Allow test user to have crontab
+ : test : cron
# Deny everything else
- : ALL : ALL